What to expect

From the first discussion with your healthcare professional to getting back to the things you miss, you’ll know what to expect every step along the way.


0.Speak with a healthcare professional offering HFX

Find out if HFX is right for you

Identifying a healthcare professional that offers HFX is an important first step. At your consultation, your healthcare professional will assess your condition, discuss relevant treatment options and answer any questions you may have.


1.Try HFX in a trial

In 1-4 weeks, you can discover if HFX is right for you.

The trial system delivers the same therapy as the implanted device. 9 out of 10 people choose to keep it.¹

  • Thin, flexible wires, called leads, are placed beneath the skin and next to the spine.
  • You wear a device under your clothes or on a belt that delivers stimulations to the leads.
  • The system is customized for your pain. You then evaluate your pain relief and improvement to your daily activities.
  • If you and your healthcare professional agree the HFX Solution works for you, then you can move forward with the implant.

2.The implant procedure

A successful trial opens the door to continuing with HFX.

During a minimally invasive procedure, a small device is implanted under the skin, just above the beltline or in the buttocks area. It’s connected to thin, flexible wires, just like those used in the trial, that are placed near the spine. It’s also possible your physician may recommend an alternative approach using a paddle lead, which requires a slightly different procedure.

Frequently asked questions

How long will the trial period last?
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The trial period is typically about a week and usually no more than 14 days. Timing depends on your response to HFX and your doctor’s recommendation.

Are there any restrictions after the trial procedure? 
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Your care team will tell you what you can and cannot do after the procedure. In general, the device and dressings must remain dry to avoid infection. To ensure the leads stay in the right place, you should not lift your arms above your shoulders or lift heavy objects. Please consult your care team before engaging in any physical activity.

Will I feel the stimulation? 
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Unlike many SCS systems, HFX offers programs that do not create a tingling sensation, known as paraesthia.

How do I know if the device is working?
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When the green light on your Trial Device is flashing, the device is on.


Life with HFX

See what people with HFX have to say and what they got back.

View patient stories